Muscle Palace: How to Shred Body Fat Fast

Monday, February 27, 2017

How to Shred Body Fat Fast

shred body fat fast

So, you are here and you want to learn tips for losing body fat and you probably want it fast. There is no magical thing or drink that will help you lose body fat for a week. That doesn't exist, nobody invented it yet and I believe that anybody never will. 

The first thing that you need to know about shredding body fat is that you need to be persistent and you should follow a proper diet plan and training routine for fat burning. It won't happen overnight, you need to do your best before you can take off that shirt on the beach and show you fit body to the rest of the world out there.

I am not here to sell you any lies and products that will help you to lose fat for 10 days or anything that you saw before while Googling about it. I am here to tell you the truth, you need to put a lot of effort and to make a lot of sweat, but once you do it you will be proud of yourself and your body, believe me. I will tell you some important tips about losing fat and after reading it all depends on your consistency. You must believe in it, you must believe in yourself. Everyone can do it, so why you couldn't? Think about that for two minutes before starting to read.


To get rid of body fat you need to get rid of foods that contain trans fats, so as margarine and some other packaged foods. Avoid them at all costs. Beside body fat gain, trans fats are also linked to heart diseases and inflammation. Along with trans fats, you should also get rid of sugars because they are also increasing belly fat and they are very unhealthy. Find healthier alternatives to your favorite sweets, eat protein bars for example. 

When it comes to protein, you should consider it as the main nutrient in your diet. You need to eat a lot of protein foods. Many studies show that people who eat more proteins have less body fat than those who eat low-protein diet. You can check out what foods are the best source of protein:

As opposite to muscle building, when it comes to fat losing, you have to reduce carbs intake. Don't follow some strict low-carb diet, just try to lower its intake and higher the intake of protein.

Don't waste your money on supplements and products that sellers advertise with a promise that you will lose body fat for one week. That is a terrible lie. I recommend buying Whey Protein Supplement to consume it after a hard workout for repairing muscle fibers.


You should know that lifting weights is a great way to reduce body fat. The combination of strength training and aerobic exercises is the best for fat loss. You need to do cardio exercises more often. 

My recommendation is that you should focus on training large muscle groups. Compound exercises are the best exercises for building lean muscle mass and also for fat burning. Strength training with cardio and clean diet will burn more body fat than only cardio. 

Try this Workout Program to Build Lean Muscle Mass and Lose Fat at the same time:

The only thing that you need to change in that workout is a rep range. Your rep range should be from 10 - 12 for burning more body fat.


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