Muscle Palace: Best Abs Workout to do at Home - Burn Belly Fat and Build Six Pack Fast

Monday, March 06, 2017

Best Abs Workout to do at Home - Burn Belly Fat and Build Six Pack Fast

build abs and burn belly fat at home

Are you very busy and you don't have time for going to the gym? You can do very effective abs workouts at your own home and make great results from it. You don't need any equipment or gym membership if you just looking get defined abs and burn belly fat. The best way to build thick and chiseled abs is by hard and intense exercises done in a short period of time but by repeating workouts very often.  

It is very important to follow a strict nutrition plan, in another way your abs will be covered with belly fat and you will not make results that you want. Also, check out some tips to burn body fat fast:

You can use this workout in addition to another workout routine. These bodyweight exercises will help you to strengthen your abdominal muscles and burn stubborn belly fat at the same time. Perform these workouts 4 times a week and you just need 10 minutes of time, but with very short rest periods between the workouts for better effect.

  • Forearm Plank - 1 minute
  • Bicycle Crunches - 10 each side
  • Toe Touches - 20 reps
  • Russian Twists - 20 each side
  • Scissors - 20 each side 
  • Plank with alternate leg raises - 20 reps
  • Right Side Crunches - 20 reps
  • Left Side Crunches - 20 reps
  • Leg Raises - 20 reps

That is it, performing these exercises for 10 minutes and 4 times a week at home will help you to burn belly fat and to build defined six pack abs. Rest periods shouldn't be longer than 10 seconds between workouts and you don't need to do this workout more than once on every two days. 


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