Muscle Palace: how to gain muscle mass fast for skinny guys
Showing posts with label how to gain muscle mass fast for skinny guys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to gain muscle mass fast for skinny guys. Show all posts

Thursday, June 08, 2017

The 6 Golden Rules of Building Muscle Mass (Skinny Guys Too)

How to Gain Muscle Mass

Before you even start reading this you should know that this article is dedicated to all guys (and girls too) over there that want to gain muscle mass fast and NATURALLY. You won't see the same tips here as on many other fitness websites and blogs. 

I am saying that because a lot of fitness websites, magazines, and blogs advertise the same split workout routines and diets that are inspired by popular bodybuilders that have over 200 pounds of muscle mass, the perfect muscle definition and - THEY ARE ON STEROIDS. Or like gym rats like to say, they are on THE JUICE. 

I will be completely honest with you guys, especially for beginners and hard gainers, you can't build 20 pounds of muscle for one or two months. It is very hard to gain such amount of muscle for one year, even with the perfect workout routine and diet. After your first year of training in the gym, it will become harder and harder to gain muscle. There is no healthy shortcut to muscle gain, not without the risk. On the other side, you have the anabolic steroids which I don't recommend to anyone but that is another topic.



All of the supplements in the world won't get you such a muscular body. Gaining muscle mass is a steady process, it takes a lot of time and it demands a lot of sacrifice and persistence. First three months of your journey to muscle building are the crucial months because you will see the big difference in the mirror in that period of time if you don't follow the wrong tips. 

1. Follow the right workout routine

Don't look for workout routines of professional bodybuilders that demand you to train 5 days a week and high volume. That is not the right way to naturally gain muscle mass and it definitely won't work for beginners. It can also lead to overtraining which can destroy your precious muscle gains.

Recommendation: Try with one of the full-body workout routines that are proven as the most effective for muscle gain. 

2. Lift heavy and in a lower rep range

When it comes to training for muscle gain you should focus on lifting heavier weights and strength gain. By becoming stronger you would be able to give your muscles a reason to grow more and more, of course, if you feed and rest them properly. 

Progressive overload is the key to muscle gain, so at the beginning try to train with a medium rep range like 6-8 reps for a set to become stronger and build muscle in the same time and when you see that the weights are becoming lighter add more weight plates and lift in the same rep range. After some time you can switch to 8-12 rep range that is proven as the best rep range for muscle hypertrophy but you should dedicate at least one or two months of training to building strength.

3. Compound Exercises

Progressive overload and compound movements are the sure way to building muscle mass. Improve your lifting on the bench press, rows, shoulder presses and squats and you will see results. By lifting more and more your muscles will grow. That sounds like a rhyme, but that is true. Avoiding big lifts like bench press and squats can be a very big mistake and it can cost you a lot of muscle gains.

You can find the best muscle-building exercises by clicking on this link:

4. Consume more calories than you burn

If you consume more calories than you burn every day you will gain weight and by consuming a lot of calories from right foods you will gain muscle mass. If your target is only to gain weight you can do that by eating a lot of junk foods that are high-caloric and will build you a nice belly and probably man boobs. 

You will need to consume a lot of calories from whole foods and shakes to gain muscle mass but you should check out which foods are the best for building muscle without gaining fat.

If you are a real hard gainer don't be afraid of some cheat meals from time to time especially after the workout when you need a lot of calories to fuel your muscles. You won't read it on many other websites, but it is hard to follow a totally strict diet and gain muscle mass for hard gainers. One homemade pizza with cheese and tuna after a hard workout can help you to build muscle faster. 

It is common that people gain some fat together with muscle mass but it is not the end of the world, you can do more cardio and focus on shredding after you reach the desired amount of muscle mass. But remember, grab a cheat meal from time to time, once or twice a week, not after every workout or every day.

5. Proteins, Carbs, and Fats

Protein is the most important nutrient for muscle growth, but without carbs and healthy fats, you won't get far. You need all those three macronutrients to build muscle mass. You are going to need a high protein intake (1 - 1,2 g of protein for each pound of your body weight), and twice as high carbohydrates intake. 

Fats from foods like avocado, olive oil, and nuts are also recommended as they are very healthy and high in calories. You will consume 8 - 9 calories for each one gram of fat, so by eating 100 grams of peanut butter, you will consume 50 grams of fat which is equal to 400 - 450 calories. That amount of peanut butter also provides 25 g of protein and 20 g of carbohydrates.

Don't be afraid of healthy fats, they can be very helpful to hard gainers to gain lean muscle mass faster. Saturated fats that are found in dairy and meat products may increase testosterone levels and may also promote strength and muscle gain.

6. Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night

You lift heavy, force your muscles to grow and feed them with the right choice and amount of food, you are almost there. Only one step left - REST. Your muscles grow while they rest so the rest is important as much as are your workout and diet. When you don't sleep enough hormone called cortisol is increased and it makes harder for you to build muscle. Also, don't train more than two days in a row because in order to build muscle mass your muscles need to rest and recover.

I am highly recommending you to follow these 6 steps and also to buy supplements that promote muscle growth and that can help you build muscle mass faster. Don't waste your money, buy only the supplements that you really need.