Muscle Palace: jason statham abs workout
Showing posts with label jason statham abs workout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jason statham abs workout. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Jason Statham Workout Routine - Strong and Fit British Action-Man


Workout Routine from British Strongest and Fittest Badass

jason statham workout routine

Who doesn't heard about this British action movies star with a Cockney accent? You probably watched at least one or two action movies in which Jason beat some bad guys and show his strength and muscles on screen. Or, you are a big fan of him and his physique and you are looking for Jason Statham Workout Program or Diet Plan. I know, you would like to have that set of six packs that he is proudly showing in his movies. 

Yes, he is fit and he looking very strong and ladies like him. He is true Londoner and he is very muscular. So, how to get body like Jason Statham? You can try to copy Jason Statham's workout and diet and maybe even his clothing style but believe me, his workout is not a piece of cake. 

Let's skip this talking about this famous actor and his physique and check out his workout program. Warm up while reading this:

Jason Statham Training Routine with only one rest day in a week:

DAY 1: 

  • Push Ups 
  • Ring Pull Ups
  • Bodyweight Squats
  • Stiff Leg Deadlifts
  • Hanging Leg Raises

Perform these exercises with a Pyramid repetition circuit, start with one rep and set, then two reps in second set, three reps and so on until you finish your fifth workout set and then start lowering the reps number, four reps in sixth set and so on until you do get to the one rep again. Cool training style right? I guess that this doesn't sound like a boring routine to you.

DAY 2:

  • Front Barbell Squat
  • Pull Ups
  • Decline Push Ups
  • Power Cleans
  • Knee Raises

This workout is called "Big Five 55 Workout" and it is designed for strength by Statham's coach Dan John. Perform 55 reps of each exercises by lowering the reps number in each set. In your first set you start with doing 10 reps and keep lowering reps number in next sets.

DAY 3: 

This training day consist of sprint and farmer carry exercises. Do six intervals of 500 metres sprint and after that carry a set of kettlebells (or dumbbells) for a 500 metres as quickly as possible.

DAY 4:

  • Warm up with 20 reps of bodyweight squats
  • Front Barbell Squat - 5 sets of 5 repetitions

On fourth day Jason focuses on Lifting Heavy Weight with Front Squat for strength gain. He also do 200 reps of push ups after he finish with the Front Squats. Start by doing one, then short pause, then two push ups and continue raising the reps number until fifth set and start from doing one rep again.

DAY 5:

  • Rope climbing - 5 reps
  • Barbell Front Squats - 5 reps
  • Bench Press - 10 reps
  • Ball Slams - 10 reps 
  • Pull Ups - 15 reps 
  • Dips - 15 reps
  • Whip Smashes - 20 reps

DAY 6:

  • 1 hour of trail run in the mountains


Probably it doesn't sound easy and it doesn't sound simple like many bodybuilding and fitness workout programs but try out this workout routine for one month and if you see results stick up to it for some time. Good luck!

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