Muscle Palace: foods to gain muscle mass
Showing posts with label foods to gain muscle mass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foods to gain muscle mass. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 04, 2017

20 Foods You Should Eat to Gain Muscle Mass

build muscle mass

If you are planning to build muscle mass one of the most important things is your diet. You can't gain muscle mass if you aren't consuming enough calories and all three macronutrients - PROTEINS, CARBS, and FATS.

One of the mistakes that many hard gainers make is that they don't consume fats and they do not understand that there are fats that they should eat. It is very important to avoid trans fats, that should be clear. Also, in order to increase muscle mass, you need to consume twice more carbs than proteins. Protein is the most important nutrient for muscle building, but carbs are crucial for building muscle mass.


You should aim to at least 1.2 grams of protein per 1 pound of your weight. In order to build muscle mass you need to stick with this calories ratio:

What are the top 20 muscle-building foods?

1. Lean White Meat (Chicken & Turkey)

Chicken and Turkey breasts are the staple of every bodybuilding diet. If you want to build muscle or to burn fat then you should include lean white meat in your diet. 

100 gr of white meat will fill you with 31 grams of protein and only 4 grams of fat, which is very good for building lean muscle mass.

2. Fish 

Fish is one of the best muscle-building foods. Let's take salmon, for example, it contains about 25 grams of protein in 100 grams portion. Also, fish meat is packed with omega-3 fatty acids which are great for your heart and muscles too. 

3. Eggs

Together with fish and white meat, eggs are also very good source of proteins. It is very cheap to buy them, very easy to prepare them and they are delicious. Each egg contains about 5 - 6 grams of protein. The protein in eggs is probably the most efficiently for muscle growth among all other whole foods.

4. Lean Red Meat

Red meats, like lean beef, are the excellent source of protein. 100 grams of lean beef contains about 27 grams of protein, and that is not all, red meat is considered as best food for naturally increasing testosterone levels which support muscle growth. That is because red meat is filled with zinc, iron, and B12 vitamins. 

5. Cottage Cheese

Another great source of protein, and almost entirely pure casein protein. Casein protein is recommended for meals before bedtime because they are very slow digesting and muscles are fed during sleep.

6. Whey Protein Powder

Although it is considered as the supplement, whey protein is one of the best sources of protein with 30 grams of protein per one scoop (35 gr). It is the best post-workout protein source because it is fastest digesting and it feeds your muscles with quality proteins and reduces the risk of catabolism after a hard training session. 

I recommend making homemade mass gainers as post workout meals for faster muscle gains:

7. Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter is one of the best muscle-building foods. It is filled with proteins and good fats and it is very high in healthy calories. 100 gr serving of peanut butter can provide you about 30 gr of protein and 600 healthy calories. 

8. Oats

Oatmeal is one of the best sources of carbohydrates containing about 70 gr of carbs per 100 gr serving. Also, it is filled with 13 gr of proteins. One of the best choices for breakfast meal.

9. Mixed Nuts

Almonds, Peanuts, Walnuts and other kinds of nuts are also very good for building muscle mass. They are great sources of healthy fats and also protein. Nuts are also loaded with important nutrients like fiber, vitamin E, manganese, and magnesium.

10. Milk

It is enough to say that only one cup of milk contains 8 grams of protein and 13 grams of carbohydrates. Milk is also rich in branched chain amino acids (BCCAs), so it is a better and cheaper solution than buying BCCAs supplements.

11. Brown Rice (Very good source of carbs)

12. Sweet Potatoes

13. Ezekiel Bread

14. Shrimps

15. Greek Yogurt

16. Olive Oil

17. Avocado

18. Spinach

19. Broccoli

20. Flax Seeds

Don't forget to eat fruits and consume a lot of water too. Those 20 are just foods for muscle building but you need also to consume a lot of vitamins from fruits like oranges, apples, and berries. 

That is it, create your own muscle-building diet plan with these 20 foods and also check out which exercises are best for building muscle mass:

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Best Healthy Foods to Gain Muscle Mass

best foods to gain mass

If you want to gain lean muscle mass then you need a workout program for hypertrophy (muscle growth) and a diet plan for muscle gain. Your diet plan should consist of only healthy foods, so no junk foods and sugars. They are only bad for your health, and they don't build muscle, they build body fat. 

In order to build muscle mass, you need to consume all three macronutrients every day, in every meal. Macronutrients are Proteins, Carbohydrates, and Fats. Protein is a nutrient that is most important for muscle growth and you should eat Foods that are Rich in Protein. For muscle growth, best macronutrients ratio is 40% of Carbs, 30% Proteins, and 30% Fats. For example, if you consume 3000 calories daily and you are in caloric surplus, which is necessary for bulking, you will split those calories into 1200 calories from carbohydrates, 900 calories from fats and 900 calories from proteins. You need to include fats in your diet, and only fats that you need to avoid are trans-fats. Also, you should only eat foods that consist of slow-digesting carbs. When it comes to protein, eat any kind of protein. 


Foods that are high in Protein:

- Lean Chicken and Turkey Meat

- Lean Beef and Veal Meat
- Egg Whites
- Fish (Tuna, Salmon)
- Low-Fat Dairy

Besides food, you can also add Whey Protein Supplement in your diet plan. Add one scoop in your post workout shake and you will consume 30 grams of protein. You can also make your own Homemade Mass Gainer, which is very good for faster muscle gains.

Foods that are the best source of Carbs:

- Oatmeal

- Brown Rice
- Sweet Potatoes
- Whole Grain Bread
- Whole Grain Pasta 
- Fruits
- Green Leafy Vegetables

Carbohydrates sources that you should avoid are cookies, cakes, white rice, white potatoes and especially white bread. 

Best sources of good Fats:

- Nuts

- Avocado
- Olive Oil
- Peanut Butter
- Foods that are rich in Omega-3

Nuts are a great choice for snacks, for example, Peanuts and Almonds are a good source of proteins and good fats. They are high-caloric and very healthy. Peanut butter is also great for building muscle mass with about 600 calories per 100 grams and 30 grams of protein in the same dose.

Now that you read which foods are the best for gaining muscle mass, check out my articles about Workout for Muscle Mass and you are ready to make some serious gains.