Muscle Palace: full body workout for women
Showing posts with label full body workout for women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label full body workout for women. Show all posts

Sunday, March 12, 2017

5 Reasons Women Should Lift Weights

Girls Who Lift

There are many myths related to women that lift weights, and they are all probably just myths, nothing else. Many girls around the world are afraid of lifting heavy weights because they think that they will end up with big muscled arms and become less feminine. Many myths like lifting heavy weights make women bulky, it is bad for your joints and heavy weights lifting is dangerous are just some of the horror stories that are keeping too many women from benefits of resistance training.

What is the real truth about women and heavy weight lifting?

Lifting weights will help you to build healthier and strong body. You will be surprised that you would probably reach your fitness objectives faster than with cardio exercise alone or clean diet only. Believe me, resistance training will get you further than yoga and treadmill. 

It may be intimidating at first, but if you want to get results you have to get out of your comfort zone. Try to challenge your body more than with only cardio training.

And, in case that you didn't hear of it yet - STRONG IS THE NEW SEXY.

girls lift weights

Reasons women should lift weights:

1. More Confidence

Lifting weights will lead to more confidence, believe me. You will get bigger and perkier glutes and real quads. That is what most women want. Women that lift weights will feel stronger, determined, and more confident in everything they do. 

2. More Fat Loss

Resistance training is the best way to fight stubborn body fat. The huge advantage to weight training is that your body will have the ability to burn fat during and after a workout. As you increase strength and lean muscle mass you will burn more calories and shed more body fat. 

3. Curves

Which woman doesn't want a hourglass-shaped figure? Building muscle with resistance training will help you to create and sustain body curves while losing fat. You will lose muscle and fat with cardio which results in losing those lovely curves as well. Sculpt butt and glutes that you won't be scared to show off. 

4. Stronger Bones

With resistance training, you will build lean muscle mass, increase strength and bone density. Increasing bone density will lower the risk of breaking and fracturing bones. 

5. Heart Health

By lifting weights you will reduce the risk of heart disease. Many studies have shown that blood pressure is lower the day after resistance training. 

Which more reasons you need to start lifting weights? I guess that first three reasons were enough for you to start thinking about it, but also those last two are very important. 

Don't listen to false stories, I am encouraging all women to get in the gym and start lifting weights. In the case that you need some training routine to start with, check out this full body workout for women:


Stepmill - 5 min.
Squats - 2 sets of 10 reps


Barbell Squats - 4 sets of 10 reps
Chin Ups - 5 sets of 5 reps
Lunges - 3 sets of 12 reps
Military Press - 4 sets of 12 reps
Bent-over Barbell Row - 3 sets of 12 reps
Seated Shoulder Press - 4 sets of 12 reps