Muscle Palace: Diet Tips for Lean Muscle Gains

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Diet Tips for Lean Muscle Gains

In order to achieve great muscle gains, you have to focus on heavy weight lifting and a proper diet plan suitable for lean muscle mass gain. In this post, I will list best foods for you to add to your diet plan so you can gain lean muscle mass fast.

The First thing to remember is that you need to eat a lot of healthy foods that include three macronutrients that are important for muscle building:

  • Proteins
  • Carbohydrates
  • Good Fats

Let’s mention how many calories you need and how many calories are in proteins, carbs, and fats. For muscle mass gain you will need at least 16 x Your weight in pounds, so calculate it now and you will see what is the minimum number of calories that you need to consume every day. Try adding little more calories after workouts because you need more proteins to repair your muscle fibers after hard training and carbs and healthy fats for more energy and all together for lean muscle gains.

Let’s do a little calculation:
Person is having 150 pounds and wants to gain more muscle mass:
150 x 16 = 2400

So, 2400 calories are enough for that person to gain mass, and it can be counted as 2500, there is not so much difference in 100 calories but don’t eat more than you need because that will be stored as fat in your body.

Let’s divide these 2400 calories on macronutrients:
1 gr of Protein contain 4 calories
1 gr of Carbs also equals to 4 calories
1 gr of Fats contain 9 calories

Don’t avoid eating good fats from nuts, fish oil, olive oil and avocado. They are very healthy and good source of healthy calories. Eat protein butter or any kind of nuts, but peanuts are my favorite because they provide the most proteins from all other kinds of nuts.

So, divide 2400 calories on carbs, proteins and fats intake, you need about 30% of Proteins, 30% of Fats and 40% of Carbs to fuel your muscles every day.

Approximately that would look like this:
150 grams of Proteins = 600 calories
300 grams of Carbs = 1200
75 grams of Fats = 675 calories

Well, that is little more than 2400 calories but that doesn’t mean that you will become fat. You can also add little more protein so that your intake of proteins will provide 650 or 700 calories and lower fats intake. Proteins are the most important nutrient for muscle building among them all. This calculation is made for 150 pounds person so if you have less or more pounds, do some calculations with my directions.

I already mentioned some good sources of good fats so let’s talk about best proteins and carbs sources.

Good sources of Protein:

  1. Chicken and Turkey Breasts  (30 grams of protein per 100 grams)
  2. Red Meat (30 grams also)
  3. Eggs (30 grams of proteins per 5 eggs, good source of fats)
  4. Low-Fat Milk (8 grams of proteins per one glass)
  5. Whey Protein (30 – 35 grams of proteins per dose)
  6. Tuna Fish, Salmon (28 grams of proteins per 100 grams)
  7. Peanuts, Peanut Butter (25 grams of proteins per 100 grams)

There are more good sources of proteins like tofu, low-fat yogurt, quinoa, beans but proteins animal sources are the best for muscle building and of course, best supplement is whey protein. Consider buying whey protein and creatine as they are best supplements for mass gain but more about that you can read in my post about supplements that you can find on my blog.

Best sources of carbs are slow digesting carbs like oat meals, brown rice, any green leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, pasta, beans, and bananas.

Well, I think that I gave you enough facts for your muscle building diet so start creating your diet plan now and don’t forget to leave a comment.

Eat Healthy and Build Muscle.


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