Muscle Palace: How to Get Big Arms Fast - Build Bigger Biceps and Triceps Fast

Thursday, March 09, 2017

How to Get Big Arms Fast - Build Bigger Biceps and Triceps Fast

build bigger arms fast

Having big and muscular arms shows everyone that you are strong and fit. Wearing T-shirt becomes more exciting and you are able to lift many heavy things as home furniture. But, to build bigger arms you have to gain more overall muscle mass, which means that you have to lift heavy at least three times a week and eat a lot of healthy foods. 

One of the biggest mistakes that lifters make is that they train their arms too much and they don't leave time for their arms to recover from hard training. Keep this in mind, your muscles grow on rest days when they recover. Training same muscle groups very much can just lead to overtraining and losing muscle mass.

One very important thing is that you build your arms with Chest, Back and Shoulders exercises. Every heavy barbell that you lift from the bench on a chest workout day is also building your triceps and shoulders. Pull ups are the best exercise for lats but it also works your biceps, so as other pulling movements. So, you don't have to train your arms more than one or two times a week.

When it comes to building bigger arms, you also must take care of a form to get maximum benefits from your workout:

  • Start with arms fully extended, not bent
  • Don't use momentum, lift with controlled movements
  • If it is too heavy for you to do at least 8 reps, pick a lighter dumbbell so that you can perform workout with a proper form

In order to build muscle you need to perform exercises in a rep range 8 - 12, so don't lift heavy weights for 5 or 6 reps or too light weights for more than 12 reps. You need to stimulate your triceps and biceps to grow. 

Some of the best exercises for arms are curls, you need to do a lot of them for bigger arms. Also, many bodyweight exercises are great for building massive arms, like weighted dips and chin ups. 

More about the exercises for building big biceps and triceps you can find on this site:

That is all about how to get big arms, pick a right exercise with a proper weight and form and with a rep range from 8 - 12. Don't overtrain your arms, but also don't skip training. Keep training hard and eating right and you will get big arms until summer.

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