Muscle Palace: workout for bigger arms
Showing posts with label workout for bigger arms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workout for bigger arms. Show all posts

Monday, May 08, 2017

How to Get Bigger Arms - BIG ARMS WORKOUT

big arms workout

Okay, you want to have bigger arms, that is why you are reading this article. Arms are one of the body parts that we first notice on someone who lifts, especially on summer, with the shirt on or off. Most beginning lifter starting going to the gym to lose some fat and pack on a few pounds of muscle especially on their triceps and biceps.

To be honest, there is nothing so impressive than having huge and muscular arms. Every guy in the gym wants it and ladies like to see them too. Maybe that is exactly the reason why are you looking to get bigger arms. To be noticed by lifters in the gym and especially by ladies.

What are you going to need to get bigger arms fast?

- Hypertrophy training
- Muscle-Building Diet
- Rest

Those are three things that are important for building any muscle.

get big arms fast

To build bigger arms you will need to use the right exercises. You won't build bigger arms by training on machines, that must be clear. You need to lift heavy iron to make your triceps and biceps get bigger and stronger. 

I recommend a workout starting with barbell exercises which allow you to lift heavier weights, and then isolate your arms muscles with dumbbells. Also, to build bigger arms fast you can try supersets.

For those who don't know what are supersets, supersets are performed when two exercises are performed in a row, without a pause between them.

High volume workouts and supersets are key to bigger arms. 

For example, if you are planning to do both arms muscles, triceps and biceps, on the same day you could perform a superset of biceps curls immediately followed by triceps extensions. Combine a biceps exercise with a triceps exercise. A typical superset often includes targeting two different muscle groups. 

This rule for supersets can also work for other body parts like Chest and Back, Quads and Harmstings but they can also work for the same muscle group.


4 x Superset 1:

Barbell Biceps Curl, 10 - 12 reps
Barbell Triceps Extension, 10 - 12 reps

4 x Superset 2:

Dumbbell Curl, 10 - 12 reps
Triceps Pushdown, 10 - 12 reps

4 x Superset 3:

Hammer Curls, 10 - 12 reps
Dumbbell Kickback, 10 - 12 reps

 4 x Superset 4:

Incline Dumbbell Curl, 10 - 12 reps
One-Arm Triceps Extension, 10 - 12 reps

That is it, 8 exercises combined in 4 supersets that will help you build your arms muscles faster. You should also add one forearm exercise performed for 4 sets of 12 reps to have a complete arms workout.


How to Gain Muscle Mass - 5 Principles of Muscle Hypertrophy

Mass-Building Shoulder Workout - Exercises for Bigger Shoulders

Foods You Should Eat to Gain Muscle Mass Fast

Thursday, March 09, 2017

How to Get Big Arms Fast - Build Bigger Biceps and Triceps Fast

build bigger arms fast

Having big and muscular arms shows everyone that you are strong and fit. Wearing T-shirt becomes more exciting and you are able to lift many heavy things as home furniture. But, to build bigger arms you have to gain more overall muscle mass, which means that you have to lift heavy at least three times a week and eat a lot of healthy foods. 

One of the biggest mistakes that lifters make is that they train their arms too much and they don't leave time for their arms to recover from hard training. Keep this in mind, your muscles grow on rest days when they recover. Training same muscle groups very much can just lead to overtraining and losing muscle mass.

One very important thing is that you build your arms with Chest, Back and Shoulders exercises. Every heavy barbell that you lift from the bench on a chest workout day is also building your triceps and shoulders. Pull ups are the best exercise for lats but it also works your biceps, so as other pulling movements. So, you don't have to train your arms more than one or two times a week.

When it comes to building bigger arms, you also must take care of a form to get maximum benefits from your workout:

  • Start with arms fully extended, not bent
  • Don't use momentum, lift with controlled movements
  • If it is too heavy for you to do at least 8 reps, pick a lighter dumbbell so that you can perform workout with a proper form

In order to build muscle you need to perform exercises in a rep range 8 - 12, so don't lift heavy weights for 5 or 6 reps or too light weights for more than 12 reps. You need to stimulate your triceps and biceps to grow. 

Some of the best exercises for arms are curls, you need to do a lot of them for bigger arms. Also, many bodyweight exercises are great for building massive arms, like weighted dips and chin ups. 

More about the exercises for building big biceps and triceps you can find on this site:

That is all about how to get big arms, pick a right exercise with a proper weight and form and with a rep range from 8 - 12. Don't overtrain your arms, but also don't skip training. Keep training hard and eating right and you will get big arms until summer.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Best Exercises to Build Bigger Arms

workout for bigger arms

   There is no any guy in the gym that does not want to have big arms, that is for sure. Arms muscles, Triceps and Biceps, are something that most guys in the world want to have. They are great to be showed under T-Shirt or if you wear Vest on summer and many girls would like that and guys will notice your big arms too. But first, you need to put effort before that.

But, many guys making a mistake training arms in every workout day, that is not good if you want to make your Triceps and Biceps very big. You must know that even on your Back Workout Days you are training your Biceps by doing Pull Ups, Pull Downs, Bent-Over Rows (Try underhand grip for better biceps gain) and you are training your Triceps on Chest Days by doing Bench Press, Dips and other Chest exercises. 

You can even build huge Triceps and Biceps with only Chest and Back Workout Days without any isolation exercises for arms. Some guys swear that their arms grown by doing a lot of pull-ups and bench presses.

So, try to focus more on compound exercises that you do for your chest and back muscles and add two to three isolation exercises for biceps or triceps for muscle gains. Perform exercises for arms with 8 - 12 rep range and 4 sets. Also, you can add one training day only for arms beside your arms training on chest and back days, add some supersets like doing triceps exercise 8 - 12 reps and continue with exercise for biceps with the same number of reps without rest between two workouts. You might also need to lower the weight for that second workout because you will be tired from the first one. Supersets are great for muscle gains.


       1. Pull Ups/Chin Ups
       2. Bench Press (Narrow Grip)
       3. Dips
       4. Incline Dumbbells Biceps Curl
       5. Barbell Biceps Curl
       6. One Arm Triceps Extension
       7. Hammer Curls
       8. Skullcrusher with EZ bar
       9. Overhead Barbell Triceps Extension
      10. Push Ups

This is a list of compound moves and isolation exercises that are good for building bigger arms so you can perform some of them on your Chest and Triceps day or Back and Biceps day and also on Arms Training day, that is your choice.

Also, check out what exercises are best for building muscle mass:

Best Exercises to Build Muscle