Muscle Palace: muscle mass workout plan
Showing posts with label muscle mass workout plan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label muscle mass workout plan. Show all posts

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Best Exercises to Build Muscle



     Yeah, you probably know that I am thinking on Compound Exercises, that must be clear. I appreciate them a lot more than Isolation Exercises and in order to Gain Muscle and also Lose Fat, your Workout Program must contain a lot of Compound Workouts.

With those exercises, all old school bodybuilders made their body so muscular and strong. Strength is very important too to achieve your muscle building goals so lift heavy and with not so many reps and you will see results. Along with good Hypertrophy Meal Plan and great Hypertrophy Workout Plan you must see results. 

muscle building exercises

Don't be afraid of hard workouts, just learn how to do any exercises with perfect form and you won't damage any muscle. Lift heavy and add more weight every training session.

1. Bench Press 

This is my favorite exercise and I always put it as no. 1 in my pushing workouts and my upper body workouts. With Bench Press, you can become more strong and add muscle to your chest primarily and also for your shoulders, triceps, and traps. Muscles that are affected by Bench Press are often most important for most beginners in bodybuilding but you also must give attention to your Upper Back and Lower Back if you want to get the proportional body and also to don't get damaged.

Here is a tutorial on how to do Bench Press correctly and with good form from Buff Dudes YouTube channel:

2. Squat

King of lower body exercises, absolutely. If you want to be big and strong and have the whole body developed you must input Squats in your workout routine. It is good Mass Building exercises, probably the best. What Bench Press is for Upper Body that Squat is for Lower Body. They are both very important.

3. Pull Up / Chin Up

There are many variations of this exercises but the main classification is on Pull Up and Chin Up and the difference between those two is a grip stance, overhand or underhand. Underhand grip, Chin Up, works Biceps significantly more but still is very good for Upper Back. If you can't do many pull ups don't give up, do them on every back workout day in the beginning of training and you will do more and more every time. There is nothing better for big and muscled upper backs and also big biceps than Pull Up or Chin Up.

 Jeff from AthleanX channel on YouTube explain the importance of Pull Ups and Chin Ups for back training and difference between those two. Watch this video and learn to do those two exercises properly and why are they different.

Other important compound exercises:

I consider these three exercises as most important for strong and muscled body and I will just mention some others. But with those three exercises only you can build big muscles and be very fit and strong. Use them separately and also add some weights on the belt or between your legs if you can do many pull ups and chin ups.

Other great Mass Building Compound Exercises are:

  • Military Press (Overhead Press)
  • Dips (For chest or for triceps, also you can add weights)
  • Dead Lifts (Become incredibly strong)
  • Rows (Bent-Over Row, T-Bar Row, Machine Rows)
  • Pull Down Machine (Great for those that can't do any pull up)
  • Lunges

Friday, November 11, 2016

Compound Exercises for Strength and Hypertrophy

Compound Exercises are Best for Strength and Muscle Size

    Many people that are going to the gym focus to hypertrophy, for those that don't know what muscle hypertrophy is, that is increase in size of skeletal muscle through a grow of its component cells. We can say that muscle hypertrophy is muscle gain, that have the same meaning. And I mostly see questions about muscle gain when I am searching the web but a lot of people don't think about a very important fact:

You need to get more stronger to gain more muscle mass. That works together. If you only lift same amount of weight for one year you won't see some results. That is the rule muscles function. Muscles get very easy adapted to one weight and they can not increase in size if you are lifting that weight all the time. 

But, what you need if you want to lift heavier? You need to GET STRONGER. Period.

Lifting weight from 10 to 12 won't get you very stronger. That means you are lifting weights that is not very heavy for you and that does not increase your strength. You must follow some programs on the web that are created for strength gain or some powerlifter's programs. Yeah, I also imagined powerlifters as fat big guys that are not aesthetic and they eat too much calories, either healthy and junk food. But they are not, some of them are very fit and incredibly strong. 

      Imagine yourself very fit with big lean muscle size and super strong, that is just perfect. You can look good, be healthy and when some girl want you to help her with something heavy you will not be afraid to be laughed at. Some bodybuilders are not strong you must know that, they are just big and pumped but where the strength is? I don't want to mention Steroid users, I don't believe those guys are even worth mentioning. They are not athletes, they are just balloons with tons of muscle but with little effort and some testosterone injections that will bring them nothing than heart attack and erection dysfunctionallity. You don't want that, so don't even think about that.

It is better to be skinny athlete with not so much muscle size and definition but looking fit and normal than looking big and heavy but unhealthy, unaesthetic and on steroids. 

My point is, try some training programs for strength gain for one to two month then go again to train for hypertrophy, you will feel stronger and you will get more muscle size. To achieve that you must do generally only COMPOUND EXERCISES and do them in all workout days with only one or two isolation exercises if you like. 

I will share a video about a strength training from Elliot Hulse, Strength Camp channel. Follow this guy, he can help you a lot if you are beginner and looking for muscle and strength gains. I recommend him very much because he helped me to get a lot of gains for a short period of time with mostly compound exercises.

Feel free to ask or say anything in the comments. Don't forget to GO HARD in the Gym.

Tips to Gain Muscle Mass for Four Weeks

Tips to Gain Muscle Mass

(Tips for beginners and hard-gainers)

        If you are reading this blog right now then you are in the same situation I was two years ago. Skinny, unhealthy and not self-confident, at least not totally. I liked my "bonny" body and I had some abs showed too until I was 20 and started realizing that I am not teen anymore and it is not cool to look that skinny in twenties. 

No, that was not me of course. I don't want to show photos of my body when I was skinny, but even I had more mass than this guy. But I saw myself in mirror like this.

After I started thinking about that and others around me told me that I must gain some weight I started to Google it of course. That is my first thing when I don't know anything about something, I type that on Google search and start opening many tabs of blogs that had names "Gain Muscle Mass Fast", "Gain Weight Fast", "Get Big and Strong" and others like those and I went to the gym.

Logically, I gained couple of pounds in first month when I started going to gym. I say logical because all guys, even professional bodybuilders, gained some pounds with first months of training in the gym and following mass gain nutrition. I can guarantee that. Follow any LEAN MUSCLE MASS PLAN from the web and some casual MASS GAIN WORKOUT PROGRAM and you will see your gains for one to two months. For most people it is enough, they can show their bodies on the beach in the summer and they don't want any more gains. But it is not same to everyone, some keep on with it almost whole life just like me for last two years. I am in love with weights and training. I never thought that I would be, that never got my attention before I tried it. Anyway, lets get to these tips and mistakes that most people do when want to gain MUSCLE MASS. Remember, we are looking for MUSCLE MASS not FAT GAIN. Well that would be my first tip for you guys:

1. Train and Eat to Gain Lean Muscle Mass 

That means not to eat too much sugars and junk foods to get weight quickly. That is very easy. Start eating a lot of pizza and ice cream every day and for one month you would be fatty and with big tummy and love handles. You don't want this, believe me. Better stay skinny. Abs are very important for every guy that wants to look handsome and strong. That is why I don't respect new bodybuilders that won all those competitions like Mr. Olympia. Most of the year they look so fatty and just big, not unaesthetic and unattractive. Take a look on the picture and you will see what I mean:

I don't have to say anything more, with this I am finished my first tip. Let's go to another one:

2. Eat a Lot of Healthy Food

You will need macro nutrients and to gain muscle mass you will need more food than you ate before, but as I wrote eat only healthy foods with only some cheat meals from time to time. Consume a lot of protein from foods and supplements like Whey Protein and also a lot of Carbs and Healthy Fats. Don't avoid fats, you need them believe me. Only 100 grams of good fats will fuel you with 900 calories and that would be enough for you for one day, rest of calories eat food with Protein and Carbs. I will write more about how to split those calories in your meals in my other posts but remember this tip.

3. Train Hard - Don't Waste Your Precious Time in Gym

Don't just waste your time by talking to others in gym and resting a lot. You must rest after sets and workouts but don't let yourself rest more than one or two minutes, one between sets and two between workouts. That is enough to keep your muscle pumping whole the time while you train, don't let your body get cold, WARM UP and GO HARD.

4. Rest and Sleep Well

After hard training you will need to rest your muscles. Keep on mind that your muscles grow while they are resting after hard workouts and post-workout meals. You get yourself pumped in the gym, well fed in the kitchen and RESTED IN YOUR BED. Those three rules you must follow to achieve great muscle gains believe me.

5. Lift Heavy and Use Compound Moves

Well those tips that I mentioned are the most important but I must also say that this is very important rule. Don't waste your time isolating your biceps with some light weight, you will see some results in size of your muscle but nothing can compare to Compound Workouts. I will just mention them here and put a video that explains why you need compound moves to get stronger and also gain more muscle:

- Bench Press
- Squats
- Pull Ups/Chin Ups
- Dips
- Dead Lifts
- Rows (Bent-Over, T-Bar Rows)

If you just combine these four exercises that Elliot Hulse mentioned in his video with 6-12 reps per set and about 4 sets you can get great workout program to gain strength and muscle. You will need a lot of strength to gain more lean muscle and with those exercises you will be stronger. Add a few pounds every training session and lift!