Muscle Palace: hypertrophy workout
Showing posts with label hypertrophy workout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hypertrophy workout. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Workout for Bigger Chest

exercises for bigger chest

Building a big chest is a dream for many guys in the gym, it seems easier to build big triceps, biceps, shoulders and back muscles than a big chest. But, do you think that it is all about their genetics or their choice of exercises? I can assure that everyone can build a big chest with the right choice of exercises and of course, good diet plan. Before I start with a list of best exercises for larger chest, I want to recommend you to read my post about diet tips for lean muscle mass because it is not all about your workout, it is probably more in your choice of foods and your diet plan.

Check out:

Now, I will make a list of 5 best exercises for bigger and thicker chest muscles:

1.   Barbell Bench Press

It all starts with a Bench Press because this is a king of all chest exercises and one of the best exercises for mass. Be sure that you perform it with a proper form and that you lift heavy enough to gain mass with rep range from 8 – 12. Lower than 8 reps will do more for your strength than muscle size and more than 12 reps won’t give you any muscle gains. Pick a right weight to add it on a bar and start building those chest muscles.

bench press

2.   Incline Dumbbell/Barbell Press

This exercise is great for upper chest and good for widening your chest. Make sure that you squeeze your chest on the top of the movement and to feel that pump.

dumbbell flyes

3.   Dumbbell Flyes

Flat or incline, both variations are good for chest size. Arnold Schwarzenegger swears that this exercise is the reason for his amazing chest width.

4.   Decline Bench Press or Dips (Chest Version)

Both exercises are very good for lower chest and you need to perform them along with those three exercises that I already listed for a good looking, thick and big chests.

5.   Push Ups

Old-fashioned exercises, when gyms didn’t even existed. What you think that soldiers from Old Greece, like Spartans, had all those gym machines and equipment? No, but they knew that pushing yourself from a floor is great for strength and muscle gains. I love doing my push ups after these four exercises to improve the pump of my chest and it is good for chest thickness.

push up

And that is all that you need, these five exercises. Of course, add some variations from time to time, don’t end up doing only these 5 exercises on every Chest Day. But those 5 are the best for bigger chest.

Leave a comment if you like this post.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

John Cena: Training Routine for Size and Strength

john cena workout

You all probably know John Cena, wrestler and action movies actor. If you know him and you were watching him on WWE matches then you know how big and strong that guy is. He is big and he has an aesthetically pleasing physique and he is very strong. He is one of the most famous WWE guys ever and he has a lot of fans all around the world. 

Did you ever think about his training routine and diet plan? Did you ever imagine that you can be big as John Cena? Well, if the answer is yes, check out John Cena's workout routine:

DAY 1:

Barbell Squat - 3 sets, 8 reps
Front Squat - 3 sets, 8 reps
Leg Curl - 3 sets, 8 reps

DAY 2:

Bench Press - 3 sets, 8 reps
Dumbell Row - 3 sets, 8 reps
Incline Dumbbell Press - 4 sets, 8 reps
Pull Up - 3 sets of how many possible reps
Pullover - 3 sets, 10-12 reps

DAY 3:

Snatch - 4 sets, 3 reps
Power Clean - 4 sets, 3 reps
Front Squat - 4 sets, 3 reps 

DAY 4:

Push Press - 3 sets, 5 reps
Close-grip Bench Press - 3 sets, 5 reps
Dumbbell Triceps Extension - 4 sets, 6 reps
Seated Dumbbell Curl - 3 sets, 8 reps
Reverse Curl - 3 sets, 8 reps
Barbell Shrugs - 4 sets, 6 reps

His workout routine is not so easy to follow, it is only for those who really want to be very strong by doing heavy Power Cleans and Front Squats and to gain more muscle mass like John Cena did.

Try this workout program for six weeks and leave your comment about your experience in comments. Good luck.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Best Exercises to Build Muscle



     Yeah, you probably know that I am thinking on Compound Exercises, that must be clear. I appreciate them a lot more than Isolation Exercises and in order to Gain Muscle and also Lose Fat, your Workout Program must contain a lot of Compound Workouts.

With those exercises, all old school bodybuilders made their body so muscular and strong. Strength is very important too to achieve your muscle building goals so lift heavy and with not so many reps and you will see results. Along with good Hypertrophy Meal Plan and great Hypertrophy Workout Plan you must see results. 

muscle building exercises

Don't be afraid of hard workouts, just learn how to do any exercises with perfect form and you won't damage any muscle. Lift heavy and add more weight every training session.

1. Bench Press 

This is my favorite exercise and I always put it as no. 1 in my pushing workouts and my upper body workouts. With Bench Press, you can become more strong and add muscle to your chest primarily and also for your shoulders, triceps, and traps. Muscles that are affected by Bench Press are often most important for most beginners in bodybuilding but you also must give attention to your Upper Back and Lower Back if you want to get the proportional body and also to don't get damaged.

Here is a tutorial on how to do Bench Press correctly and with good form from Buff Dudes YouTube channel:

2. Squat

King of lower body exercises, absolutely. If you want to be big and strong and have the whole body developed you must input Squats in your workout routine. It is good Mass Building exercises, probably the best. What Bench Press is for Upper Body that Squat is for Lower Body. They are both very important.

3. Pull Up / Chin Up

There are many variations of this exercises but the main classification is on Pull Up and Chin Up and the difference between those two is a grip stance, overhand or underhand. Underhand grip, Chin Up, works Biceps significantly more but still is very good for Upper Back. If you can't do many pull ups don't give up, do them on every back workout day in the beginning of training and you will do more and more every time. There is nothing better for big and muscled upper backs and also big biceps than Pull Up or Chin Up.

 Jeff from AthleanX channel on YouTube explain the importance of Pull Ups and Chin Ups for back training and difference between those two. Watch this video and learn to do those two exercises properly and why are they different.

Other important compound exercises:

I consider these three exercises as most important for strong and muscled body and I will just mention some others. But with those three exercises only you can build big muscles and be very fit and strong. Use them separately and also add some weights on the belt or between your legs if you can do many pull ups and chin ups.

Other great Mass Building Compound Exercises are:

  • Military Press (Overhead Press)
  • Dips (For chest or for triceps, also you can add weights)
  • Dead Lifts (Become incredibly strong)
  • Rows (Bent-Over Row, T-Bar Row, Machine Rows)
  • Pull Down Machine (Great for those that can't do any pull up)
  • Lunges