Muscle Palace: steve reeves
Showing posts with label steve reeves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label steve reeves. Show all posts

Sunday, July 02, 2017

Steve Reeves Workout - Remembering The Old-School Bodybuilding Legends

Steve Reeves Workout Routine

Steve Reeves is the icon of Natural Bodybuilding and one of the most famous bodybuilders of 1950s. Renowned for his fabulous physique and many bodybuilding titles, Reeves became famous for acting in Hercules movies in the mid-twentieth century.

In the world without anabolic steroids, isolation machines and internet it was only a hard work in order to build a muscular and well-proportioned physique. Steve Reeves is the finest example of what people can achieve in building their body without the use of anabolic steroids.

Steve Reeves Workout Routine

Back in the day, guys like Steve Reeves, John Grimek, and Reg Park didn't have online articles and forums to learn some modern bodybuilding techniques as the case is today, but still, they are renowned for having some of the greatest and most athletic physiques.

Old-school bodybuilders knew that the key to building muscular physique is the full-body workout routines. 

Check out more tips from Natural Bodybuilding Legends:

How Did 100% Natural Bodybuilders Train

To build strength and muscle mass naturally, the answer lies simply in full-body routines, hard work, and consistency. The consistency should not be deserved only for training, the nutrition should also be checked and not to forget muscle recovery and rest.

Rather than devoting one session to triceps or biceps, chest or back, legs or shoulders, full-body workouts will have you hitting all muscle groups every training session which is the best way to naturally build a well-proportioned muscular body. 

Here are three old-school bodybuilding full-body routines for muscle growth:

3 Best Full-Body Workouts to Build Muscle Mass Fast

Check out what Steve Reeves personally said about modern bodybuilders and their training in one interview:

"Today, everything about the top bodybuilding champions is oversized; they have lost the whole purpose of bodybuilding which is to create a harmonius whole, not to exaggarate the development of one part or parts of the body."

Below you'll find one of Steve Reeves' favorite full-body workouts which he called "Classic Physique" routine written by Reeves personally for bodybuilding magazine back in 1951.




Incline Dumbbell Press
Front Squat
Dumbbell Fly
Seated Barbell Curl
Alternate Dumbbell Front Raise
Bent Over Row
One Arm Row
Alternative Raise Lying
Good Mornings
Dumbbell French Press
Calf Raises
Bench Press

Training Notes:

This is absolutely a monstrous routine and because of that, I wouldn't recommend it for novice lifters, only for intermediate to advanced lifters.

Like most full-body routines should be performed three times a week and on non-consecutive days to fully rest and recover from such hard routine like this one.

To maximize recovery the best way to perform this routine is to train on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday leaving other four days for muscles to feed and rest to be ready for next hardcore training week.

Friday, May 26, 2017

A Lesson from Pre-Steroid Era Bodybuilders - How did 100% Natural Bodybuilders Train?


This article is devoted to the old-school bodybuilding legends and bodybuilding lessons that we can learn from pre-steroid era natural bodybuilders.

When exactly did steroids come to the market?

The first anabolic steroid use was noticed at the 1954 World Weightlifting Championship in Vienna when it is discovered that the Soviet's bodybuilders were injecting testosterone. A few months later, physician of the US Olympic Weightlifting team tested testosterone injections of three lifters of that time - John Grimek, Jim Park and Yaz Kuzahara.

For all of them, the results were dissapointing and injections didn't cause any muscle gains for them. Results began coming in by 1956 when Nilevar, the first anabolic steroid, was released in the USA for use in wasting conditions. In the 1958 or 1959, Zeigler decided to try the new Dianabol together with Bill March, Tony Garcy and John Grimek.

Natural Bodybuilders
Bill March

There were also people who claimed that the fist Mr. Olympia Larry Scott was also using anabolic steroids - Nilevar in the time when he won the title. He didn't admit back then in the 1960s but he did later but never specified the date when he first used Nilevar. 

Take a look how Larry Scott looked when he won the Mr. Olympia title in 1965:

Steve Reeves - The First Mr. Olympia

Okay, so he was maybe using steroids but what is with the bodybuilders today? They look probably 3 times bigger than Larry Scott. Even Arnold Schwarzenegger, the legend of bodybuilding, admitted that he used steroids for some time but alright, he is still a legend and he will be forever. But my point is, look at those Mr. Olympia competitors now, what do you see? I see some big unnatural figures posing there and pretending they are beasts.

I know that I sometimes write about workouts and tips of some steroid users but that is because the real naturals are very rare and the real natural bodybuilders are not famous and respected enough. They are in shade of all these modern bodybuilders. Check out how bodybuilders look today:

Modern Bodybuilders vs Naturals

Maybe some of you that are reading this respect those guys but I must say that they look freakish to me and not aesthetically pleasing at all. The Bodybuilding lost its values by the beginning of Steroids Era.

If you don't agree with me you should stop reading this article right now. I don't want to sound rude, but this really isn't the article for you.

For those guys that think that they will gain this amount of lean muscle mass without steroids, I must say something - YOU WON'T. You will never look like Phil Heath or Kai Greene, not without testosterone injections or any other anabolic steroids.

Also, guys like Lazar Angelov, Ulisses Jr., and Sergio Constance, aesthetic bodybuilders, are on steroids. So, if you aim to get the physique like theirs, you need to start using steroids and wait for the damage of theirs side effects. 

Ulisses Jr. - Totally on Steroids

Lazar Angelov - The Fake Natty

Many of you that are reading this article would know all of this but there still those that don't know such things and should be informed. You will never get those physiques naturally, so focus on following workout routines and tips of natural bodybuilders to build lean muscle mass steady and naturally.

One thing is sure - no bodybuilder or lifter was using synthetic steroids before 1955 because they were not available back then.

What can we learn from Pre-Steroid era bodybuilders:

1. Full-Body Training

Pre-steroid era bodybuilders built their physiques mostly by following full-body workout routines. Training all muscle groups three times a week was just more effective for them and produced more muscle gains. By the beginning of steroids era, the split training became popular and many guys in gyms are lowering their chance of building more muscle mass because they are following the same routines that steroid bodybuilders follow.

One of the most popular old-school bodybuilding workout routine is the Reg Park's 5x5 Workout that was used by many famous bodybuilders like Arnold Schwarzenegger. 

You can find this workout program in another article:

Natural Bodybuilders
Reg Park

One of also very popular workout full-body routines is the Arnold Schwarzenegger's "The Golden Six" which Arnie performed in his pre-steroid days. This is very good choice for natural lifters.

You can found more articles on full-body workouts and their effect on muscle and strength gains:

2. Higher Volume

The Natural Bodybuilders used to train like athletes not like this puffed-up bodybuilders of today. Leroy Colbert was the first bodybuilder that build 21 inch biceps totally steroid-free and he said many times that he started to gain more muscle mass when he started pushing the boundaries and performed his workout with a higher volume. He performed 10 sets for each exercise in the time when his arms started growing so fast.

Leroy Colbert

He was not the only one who increased the number of sets from 3 to 6-8. Many other old-school bodybuilders have done that too. Higher volume was the key to their natural muscle building.

I recommend you to try the German Volume Training which includes performing exercises with 10 sets of 10 reps. 

3. Rest and Muscles Recovery

You've probably heard that rest is crucial for building muscle mass and that our muscles grow when we rest after we train and feed them. Old-school bodybuilders used to train on non-consecutive days like Monday - Wednesday - Friday and left their muscles much time to recover which was vital for their muscles gain.

For more information check out these two articles that inspired me to write this article:

5 Bodybuilding Lessons From The Pre-Steroid Era - Healthy Living, Heavy Lifting

History of Steroids in Bodybuilding

Friday, November 25, 2016

Classic Bodybuilders VS. Modern Bodybuilders



    Arnold Schwarzenegger, Franks Zane, Bill Pearl, Reg Park and many other famous Classic Bodybuilders are still respected in Bodybuilding world. They were big, strong and natural bodybuilders. 

Main difference between Classic Bodybuilders and Modern Bodybuilders:

Modern BBs are huge, like giants. They are so massive that they can't drive a regular car, they must drive trucks. Their thigh muscles are massive and their back, shoulders and arms too. If you just want to look big as a mountain well then you are a big fan of Ronnie Coleman, Jay Cutler and other Modern Bodybuilders.

But one, very important thing for Bodybuilding is:

They are looking very unaesthetic.

Take a look on Classic Bodybuilders and their bodies? They look like Ancient Greece Sculptures, Monuments of Apollo, Adonis, Heracles or some other Hero. They are big enough and they are looking aesthetically amazing. 

Now take a look on Modern Bodybuilders and like they say, picture says more than a thousand words:

I think that you are clearly see the difference in aesthetic between Classical and Modern Bodybuilders, and it is on your own to choose in which group you will belong.
