Muscle Palace: amino acids supplements
Showing posts with label amino acids supplements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amino acids supplements. Show all posts

Monday, November 21, 2016

Best Supplements for Mass Gain

Supplements for Muscle Mass Gain

     There is a lot of supplements out there, some are worth buying and some are not. If you want to gain more muscle mass you need to choose the right supplements to include them in your diet plan. There is no need of buying Mass Gainers, I already mentioned that in my previous posts, they are full of sugar and unnecessary. You can try one of Homemade Mass Gainers from my post:

Now, I will sort supplements that you can buy to help you to gain more muscle mass according to their importance. You don't need any of these supplements if your nutrition plan is sufficient for you and you make gains, but if you need to gain more muscle mass then buy all or some of these supplements to help you out:

1. Whey Protein

It is the number #1 on my list and I think on many other lists that you can find on web. Whey Protein is very good supplement and if you want to gain muscle mass they you will need a lot of protein and Whey Protein can be very useful. Best time to drink Whey Protein Shake is after workout and you can mix it with your other supplements and carbs for better muscle gains. If you did not bought Whey Protein yet and you don't see any gain well go to supplements store and buy it. You will see the difference. You need Proteins for your muscles to grow and there is no easier way to consume enough protein than making a protein shakes.

2. Creatine

If you want to build strength and muscle mass then you have to buy Creatine. I consider Creatine as type of Natural Steroid. It absolutely shows results in muscle gains and strength and for very short period of time. It is very good for beginners in bodybuilding, it has the strongest effect on those that did not tried creatine before. For me, best creatine is Creatine Monohydrate. It is non-expensive and it is very powerful. Try creatine and see results for a short period.

3. Glutamine

This supplement is very good for your body and for muscle gains.It stimulate muscle growth and boosting your performance in the gym. Glutamine is not as important supplement like Protein and Creatine, but it is very useful for muscle mass.

First, buy yourself a Whey Protein as your first supplement then add Creatine in your post-workout Protein Shakes. If you want more powerful post-workout shake for muscle gain then also add Glutamine and that is everything you will need to make real gains. Don't waste a lot of money for supplements that will not be useful to you.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Facts about Creatine - One of the Best Supplements


One of Best Supplements Ever

        Supplements must have important place in our diet, but of course not the most important. We can also build without any supplement but with proper nutrition plan, but with supplements it is very easier and faster. Why you must eat 6 big meals when you can eat 4 meals and drink 2 protein shakes to consume all nutrients that you need to feed muscles. So, we all know that there not many bodybuilders out there that don't use supplements in their diet and why not to use them when best of those supplements ain't even very expensive? And they are not dangerous for our health if we consume them properly. 

So, when we finished about why should we use supplements let's say something about Creatine. Some of big guys that I met when I started working out in gym mentioned Creatine as "Natural Steroid", that really made me very curious and I had to try it. After month of taking Creatine I already saw some muscle gains and incredible strength gain. I went from lifting 80 pounds on Bench Press to lifting more than 120 pounds as beginner in just one month. That was amazing to me, I continued using Creatine with some pauses from time to time. It is very recommended to pause after two months of taking it. I usually pause after finishing my 300 grams of Creatine. 

Why I consider Creatine as not expensive? Well, you can buy 300 grams of Creatine Monohydrate and consume 5 grams of it every day and you will not spend more than 10 dollars for that and you will see results in gains in the first month of taking it. Those 300 grams is enough for two months or maybe more, you can consume even 3 grams, that will do the job. Creatine is very powerful, you don't need tons of it to see its effect on your body. 

When is the Time to Take Creatine and What Creatine is The Best?

Best time to take creatine is after your workout and you can mix creatine with your protein shake as great post-workout meal. Add some fast and low-digesting carbs and you will make a perfect fuel for your muscles after training. In non-workout day you can take it soon as you wake up for better effect.

What Creatine is Best?

Well, nobody can say which is best creatine but the one that is most researched and reviewed is Creatine Monohydrate. It is cheap and I it is enough. You don't need any modern Creatine that is advertised as the best, most powerful or something else. Pick a creatine monohydrate from a good supplements brand and that will do the job. Expensive and modern don't means better. Old-School Bodybuilders had only Creatine Monohydrate in the beggining and that was enough for them and it will be enough for all of us.

A few very important things are:

  • Drink a lot of water if you are using creatine every day
  • Don't consume more Creatine than it is recommended
  • You can, but you don't have to do a LOADING PHASE with Creatine
  • Don't believe in bad myths about Creatine, they are false believe me