Muscle Palace: best time to take creatine
Showing posts with label best time to take creatine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label best time to take creatine. Show all posts

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Gain Muscle and Strength Fast with Creatine Supplement

Creatine Muscle Building Supplement

There have been many questions about creatine since long ago. Today, creatine is the most researched and best-selling supplement. 

What is Creatine?

Creatine is a natural substance that can be found in red meat and fish. Our skeletal muscle contains 95% of creatine while the heart, brain, and tests hold the remaining 5%.

Why is Creatine such a popular supplement?

Creatine is widely researched and proven that have many benefits for all athletes. Yes, it is a supplement only for athletes who are into intensive training like lifting weights or running. A person that don't do any sport or lifting in the gym can't have any benefit from consuming creatine.

What is the best thing about creatine? It delivers results to most of the users very fast. 

Out of all workout supplements on the market today, creatine stands out as one of the best ever.

But, you need to know - Creatine is not any kind of magical drinks or anabolic steroids. It is totally natural supplement and you'll need to train hard and eat a lot of healthy foods if you want to build muscle or gain strength. Consuming creatine will only enhance your performance and boost muscle growth.

How to Gain Muscle Mass - 5 Principles of Muscle Hypertrophy

When it comes to building a great physique and gaining strength creatine is without any cons, absolutely. 

Many studies found that creatine supplements are increasing lean muscle mass when combined with resistance training and a good muscle building diet. It is also one of few supplements that is proven to increase strength. 

Benefits of Creatine Supplementation:

- Increases Lean Muscle Mass
- Improves Maximal Strength
- Enhances Muscle Endurance
- Boosts Energy Production
- Fat Loss

Does Creatine help people that want to lose fat?

Of course! Creatine helps you gain lean muscle which indirectly helps burning fat.


Creatine comes in many forms, powder, pills or liquid. Newer versions of creatine give good results, but the most effective creatine is creatine monohydrate. Creatine in powder form is the most usable by the body.

It is not only the most effective version of creatine, it is also the cheapest. You don't need to buy the more expensive form of creatine when you can get the best effect with creatine monohydrate. It is cheap and cheerful.

How and When to take Creatine?

The best time to take creatine is after the workout. You can add it to your post-workout protein shake if you like. You can also consume 3 - 5 grams of creatine before a workout for better performance but you will get most benefits if you drink it after your workout.

I recommend taking creatine with water or fruit juice. Creatine mixed with milk is not so good option because of digestive problems.

You do not need any loading or maintenance phase. Consume 3 to 5 grams of creatine every day and you will gain strength and muscle mass. I recommend a short break from creatine after two months of consuming, but it is not necessary. 

Creatine is totally safe for consuming for all athletes except for people that have any kind of kidney problems. Anyway, for healthy individuals creatine won't make any harm. 

You can also check out which 5 supplements are best for muscle building:

Top 5 Muscle-Building Supplements

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Facts about Creatine - One of the Best Supplements


One of Best Supplements Ever

        Supplements must have important place in our diet, but of course not the most important. We can also build without any supplement but with proper nutrition plan, but with supplements it is very easier and faster. Why you must eat 6 big meals when you can eat 4 meals and drink 2 protein shakes to consume all nutrients that you need to feed muscles. So, we all know that there not many bodybuilders out there that don't use supplements in their diet and why not to use them when best of those supplements ain't even very expensive? And they are not dangerous for our health if we consume them properly. 

So, when we finished about why should we use supplements let's say something about Creatine. Some of big guys that I met when I started working out in gym mentioned Creatine as "Natural Steroid", that really made me very curious and I had to try it. After month of taking Creatine I already saw some muscle gains and incredible strength gain. I went from lifting 80 pounds on Bench Press to lifting more than 120 pounds as beginner in just one month. That was amazing to me, I continued using Creatine with some pauses from time to time. It is very recommended to pause after two months of taking it. I usually pause after finishing my 300 grams of Creatine. 

Why I consider Creatine as not expensive? Well, you can buy 300 grams of Creatine Monohydrate and consume 5 grams of it every day and you will not spend more than 10 dollars for that and you will see results in gains in the first month of taking it. Those 300 grams is enough for two months or maybe more, you can consume even 3 grams, that will do the job. Creatine is very powerful, you don't need tons of it to see its effect on your body. 

When is the Time to Take Creatine and What Creatine is The Best?

Best time to take creatine is after your workout and you can mix creatine with your protein shake as great post-workout meal. Add some fast and low-digesting carbs and you will make a perfect fuel for your muscles after training. In non-workout day you can take it soon as you wake up for better effect.

What Creatine is Best?

Well, nobody can say which is best creatine but the one that is most researched and reviewed is Creatine Monohydrate. It is cheap and I it is enough. You don't need any modern Creatine that is advertised as the best, most powerful or something else. Pick a creatine monohydrate from a good supplements brand and that will do the job. Expensive and modern don't means better. Old-School Bodybuilders had only Creatine Monohydrate in the beggining and that was enough for them and it will be enough for all of us.

A few very important things are:

  • Drink a lot of water if you are using creatine every day
  • Don't consume more Creatine than it is recommended
  • You can, but you don't have to do a LOADING PHASE with Creatine
  • Don't believe in bad myths about Creatine, they are false believe me